shop infos
We ship to all countries. If Your country is not listed (outside of EU-Zone), just ask for costs.
No more exchange fees by PayPal payment.
You pay direct in British Pounds.
For buyer outside the € zone:
Don't look at this:
I got an answer from Transferwise:
"Laut unserer internen Regulierungen unterstützen wir keine Überweisungen im Bereich Schießsport,
auch wenn es sich dabei um komplett legitime Unternehmen und Überweisungen handelt."
It means: "Due to our internal rules, we don't support payments for Shooting sport. Even if the company is legal and legitim."
As You can see, for some companies, the Olympic discipline is not worthy enough to be served by them.
Some short instructions:
In the product list view You can see the items with coloured corners:
the red corner means: not on the stock (so You cannot add it to basket),
the green one: enough on the stock,
the yellow one: not so many on the stock.
Clicking a product, that is not on the stock, You can see a field for e-mail:
here You can input Your e-mail address and click OK, if You want to get a message, when the product appears again in the shop.
On the right side of the page, there is a calendar.
The green marked field on the calendar means: on this day I bring new load of pellets.
These are 1000 km to drive (one direction).
On this day I cannot send packages, I cannot answer Your emails/questions.
Thank You for understanding.